For 2023, one of my goals was to be more cognisant of what type of meds I am taking. I have been taking medication for my mental health for the past few years and after reading numerous articles about the medication I was taking, I knew I wanted to look into using something more holistic. When The Herbalist reached out to me and asked if I would like to review some of their product, I did my research. I went onto their website and looked at all the products on offer. What I appreciated the most was that the site was easy to navigate and the information was easy to follow, and most importantly in terms that I understood. I was also impressed with how easy it was to order and the updated communication that I received via email and text messaging. Since I have ordered some new products have been added to the range. I will share some of the new products as well after sharing my thoughts on the products I used. i chose to review one of their bundles, specifically The Essentials . This bundle included the following: Ashwagandha, Immune Booster, Moringa, Sleepy Caps.
Ashwagandha 60/120 Capsules

This has been the buzz word that has been popping up on my feed for the past few weeks. I was most excited to start using this. Three key things that stood out was that this could aid as a stress reliever, muscle builder and anti-ager. It can also aid in boosting stamina, support heart health, sharpen focus and memory. Its natural and free from additives and it contains 100% Pure Ashwaghanda Powder. On the first day, I started taking two capsules, twice a day as recommended. I starting feeling a change the second week taking this. The month of July was very busy at work, with constant deadlines to meet. I had to be focussed and this really helped with that.
Moringa 60/120 Capsules

In the past I used Moringa powder to help with weightloss. If I remember correctly, I was following the Banting lifestyle and Moringa was part of it. The Herbalists Moringa capsules contains 100% Pure Moringa Leaf Powder. Besides regulating weightloss, Moringa also helps with the following: energy booster, immune booster, muscle growth, better moods, healthy skin, enhances memory and brain function. Important to note is that you will not see results immediately. Give it at least two weeks for your system to get use to the added supplements that you are taking.
Immune Booster 60/120 Capsules

If you have little ones in your home, then you know the chances of them bringing home different germs everyday is high. I seem to be the one in the family that always catches the germs and it leaves me sick for days. I started taking this every time I woke up with a heavy head and what felt like a cold coming on. It works! When that cold/flu was going around that left people sick for weeks , I took this everyday! It is important to note that whenever you start taking any type of medicine, please consult your doctor/ medical practitioner first. Some of the benefits of using the Immune Booster include: it shortens the duration of colds and flu, lowers risk of colds and flu, helps build resistance to disease and stress, nourishes the Body and fights inflammation, helps treat hay fever and allergies, helps with sinus congestion and sore throats and helps fighting fatigue and improves sleep.
Sleepy Caps 60/120 Capsules

I was quite shocked to see the long term effects the medication I was using for sleep could have. I struggle with falling asleep, because I just cant switch off at night. At night I plan my day ahead, and it can get quite exhausting especially with big projects I am on. The Sleepy caps contain ingredients like valerian root, hops, chamomile, wild oats and passion flower. The directions advise to take 2-4 capsules before bed. The benefits include: reduces time to fall asleep, improves sleep quality, promotes relaxation, mild sedative, reduces anxiety, helps with RLS (Restless Leg Syndrome) and increases GABA (which reduces brainwave activity). What works for me is if I take this an hour before bedtime. I make sure that I switch off all my devices and I read at least a Chapter or two from a novel and then lights off. I started feeling a difference within the first week and a half of taking it. Results may vary. I am so happy that I have found The Herbalist.
Once you have ordered you will also receive weekly newsletters that contain some rich information, on existing products and topics that cover different health issues. The Herbalist also offers monthly subscriptions and you can either choose to buy individual products (I suggest doing this after you have tried one of their bundles) or bundles. Free shipping also applies to orders of R750. The Herbalist has since added more products to their line, which you can check out here. Did I mention how affordable the products are? Get yours from R99, 95. Let me know if you try out any of the above products or the ones that are newly added.