When you go on Ben Rabbit’s web page the first sense you get is practical and simplistic and beautifully created products made with love and lots of care. You are welcomed by this; an extract taken from their page “Ben Rabbit was born from a desire to create beautifully made products for little people with an appreciation for great design, quality + natural products.”
I have never met Michelle in person, and have only been in touch with her via email. She instantly made me trust in her brand of products and the passion that she has for it. Being a mom of a two year old and a 6 week old can not be easy at all. I remember clearly how I felt when Hudson was just 6 weeks old, and i could barely function. Michelle works full time and runs Ben Rabbit in the evenings after the kids have gone to sleep. Her dream is that one day she will be able to make Ben Rabbit her day job as well.
I have no doubt that the determination and passion Michelle exudes will be reflected in her work and any venture and direction that she drives her brand to.Their apparel range consists of quality basics + timeless pieces that are all hand screen printed. The fabrics that they use are all sourced locally in South Africa and where possible 100% cotton is used that provides comfort and quality, making dressing easy + safe for both baby + mom.
Their skincare range is made from all natural ingredients, sourced locally of course and one can trust that it is safe for baby. What strike me most about this brand is this extract from their page “We believe it is not only important to be aware of what we put in our bodies, but just as important to be aware of what we put on our bodies. Babies + children’s skin is extremely sensitive which is why we need to stay away from all those nasty chemicals that are harmful to ones skin.” Our first priority as mothers is always to give the best to our kids and Ben Rabbit is for sure the way to go!