During my ABC Boot camp – Week 4

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Assessment Day at boot camp ! Remember the post I did on Assessment day at the first boot camp ?, well I was actually looking forward to absolutely smashing the numbers on my first assessment. Why?

  1. I felt stronger.
  2. I figured out how to control my breathing and pace while running (that’s one of my least favorite exercises)
  3. I was ready to take on myself!

If you set your mind to it, anything is possible! Believe it!. My time for the first assessment run was 7:35min; My time after the four weeks…6:35 min! Look, I will take that number any day!

During the past four weeks at boot camp, I have really taken cognizance of what I eat. I was definitely not born with the gene of train and eat whatever you like. Smaller portions, increasing water intake and going low carb has definitely helped me through my fitness journey. During the festive season I picked up 3 kg. If you do not weigh in the 60 kg zone, 3 kg is a lot!I have managed to lose that plus and extra kg! For me losing weight has never been easy, especially at the beginning, but once I get into a routine of healthy eating and training and when I am in the zone, I tend to loose weight quite easily.

In my first blog post I wrote about the fear of boot camp and the images that it triggered, which left me very anxious starting my #committoyourfitness journey. Honestly, I can say that it has been an amazing one. You are in a competition with no one else, but yourself! The group of ladies that I trained with, were always encouraging and motivating one another. And then…… there’s Simone. Not a drill sergeant, or captain of the ship, but a trainer who listened to each individuals’ needs and adapted training to fit us. A spy of some sorts, who has eyes everywhere, so that you dare not slack off. A voice that, when you feel you are at the end and can not move anymore projects strength miraculously through your muscles and joints and pushes you to be your best.




My journey does not end here, as I will be starting my second boot camp starting TODAY! Once you have a rhythm stick to it. Whenever you hear that inner voice that tells you “skip today because tomorrow is another day” IGNORE it! As I have said before, you are only in a competition with yourself. Results show the effort that YOU put in. Challenge yourself and don’t feel limited at all. In the very beginning I said that it’s so important to invest in yourself. Don’t put it off start now! Even if you start small…. but do something. For YOU!

February is also an exciting month for ABC; as they will be launching their new website, logo and gear! I am very excited!and will be sharing more on that later !!!

As always! #investinyourself #committoyourfitness #slaytheday!!!!!


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