Week 3……. during boot camp. Where do I even start. My week did not start off the way I planned it attending boot camp . I woke up with extreme tummy cramps on Monday morning and felt very bloated and dizzy. I had absolutely no energy. I dropped Hudson off at school and spent the majority of the day in the loo or in bed. I couldn’t figure out what was wrong with me, and decided to stop drinking water from the tap and slowly but surely started to feel better. On Wednesday morning, I had my first boot camp session and boy did I push myself. If you watched my Live feed video on Instagram, you would have seen me drenched in sweat with a very BIG and massive smile on my face because I ended the session running all the way back to the starting point without stopping or switching over to walking. For someone who absolutely despises running the above was a HUGE accomplishment.
On Friday evening it was just Simone and myself. I don’t think I’ve ever been pushed that hard before. There were definitely moments in the boot camp session where I thought I was going to pass out. Remember the run of Wednesday morning that I mention above, well I ran that route from start to finish! No stopping or walking!!! Just me, myself, and I, regulating my breathing and running at a comfortable pace. Some shots that Simone took on Friday; I lost my sports bra a couple of times, but that didn’t stop me from keeping the momentum!
Ending off on a HIGH! ABC is changing their look! “New look, Same Community of Women” The new look will be accompanied with more exciting exercise routines and equipment to help one focus on certain body parts, along with beautiful new and comfortable boot camp apparel. “Same amazing company, just with a new “wardrobe” for 2018!” Now, does that not sound exciting?
So! diarise ABC’s new website launch on Monday 12 February, and make a plan to celebrate with them on Saturday 24 February for the official launch of Adventure Boot Camp’s brand new look! I am so excited for this and will definitely be at the launch.
Remember! #investinyourself #committoyourfitness and #slaytheday!!!!!!