Get to know the Mom and Tod- Megan & Sophie

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Get to know the Mom and Tod

It has been exactly two weeks since Hudson turned one, and I am still in denial. He will forever be my little baby boy, and you can be assured that if I had my way, I would write that on his forehead every single morning until he gets married. Even though I am still denying that we now have a toddler crawling around the house, I am quite intrigued to know what he will be like as he grows older. How will he see and interpret the world around him? What kind of questions will he ask? What type of personality will he have? All these questions inspired me to start this series I call, Get to know the Mom and Tod. I have learned so much from the amazing Mom’s that I follow and interact with on my social media platforms. Some of them Bloggers and some of them not. What I love most about these strangers I can call my friends, is that we all have the same thing in common, motherhood. Through these Mom Bloggers’ blogs I have also gained so much knowledge and I would like to share their platforms with you too. Also, I want this series not to just focus around Moms who blog, but also Moms who inspire me daily and who shares beautiful content and messages on their Instagram feeds.

The first Mom and Tod in this series, is the beautiful and very talented Mom, Megan Ras and her cutie pie Sophie (aka Soph) from Mommalikeme

Q & A with Mom

Tell us a little bit about yourself and your background?

I come from a PR background and love events and party planning! I’m Durban born, Botswana raised and Joburg living!

As a mom of a soon to be 3 year old girl; how do you feel?

Oh man, as much as I love seeing each new milestone she achieves I wish I could just stop the clock. The other day I referred to Soph as my baby and she turned around and said to me ‘I’m not a baby, Mama, I’m a big girl’. My heart nearly broke.

Describe Soph in five words.

Beautiful, funny, feisty, sassy and strong-willed.

Is there such a thing as the terrible twos?

Yip, but also the trying threes, f%$^&#g fours and so on, you get the picture!!

Any tips or advice on how to deal with it?

I try and remind myself “this too shall pass”. The other day Oli saw me getting visibly irritated with Sophie after whining incessantly for an hour and told me (at the wise old age of 5) to take a deep breath in and out and count to ten – it really does work!

What is your favorite leisure activity to do with Soph?

Trips to the park at the end of our road to feed the bunnies and shopping! Soph loves any trip to the shops – whether it be grocery shopping at Woolies or a trip to Mica for spray paint!

What are you most looking forward to; in seeing her grow up?

My conversations with her. I have such a special bond with her and I can’t wait for long chats.

Tell us about the theme for her birthday party.

We’re doing an Under the Sea/Mermaid theme this year!

Did you do any DIY products? If so; take us through the process.

So many! I’ve made coral out of paper flower décor, jellyfish out of paper lanterns with copious amounts of ribbons,  done her name in shells, sequins and pearls for her candy buffet and spray-painted sea creatures and mermaid statures gold! A glue gun is my new best friend!  I still need to figure out how to do the balloon garland.

Tell us your three birthday wishes for Soph.

That she always be true to herself, to always dream big – you can be anything and that she continues to love unconditionally.

Q & A with Sophie

What is something mommy always says to you?

I love you

What makes you happy?


What makes you sad? 

Sleep time

What makes you laugh? 


How old are you going to be on your birthday? 


How old is Mommy? 


How old is Daddy?


What is your favourite thing to do?

Go see the bunnies at the park

Who are your best friends?

Emily Seed, Livvy, Ethan and Oli boy

What do you want to be when you grow up? 

Foodie! Cook in the kitchen

What are you really good at?

Cooking and Playball

What are you not very good at?

Tidy up time

What did you do today? 

I slept at school and didn’t get time out

What is your favourite food? 

Carrots, muffins, crumpets, cucumbers and strawberries

What is your favourite song? 

Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star

What do you want for your birthday this year?

A Barbie

What are your favourite animals?

Giraffe and a lion

What is love? 

Mommy – all my heart

What does daddy do for work? 

He works

What does Mommy do for work? 

I don’t know that.

Where are your favorite places to go?

 iJump and Papatuna (Papachino’s)

Little Miss Sophie has a list of favorite brands


In celebration of Sophie’s 3rd Birthday, her Momma is going to have an AMAZING Giveaway with the above brands. Make sure you are following Megan:




Wishing you a very Happy 3rd Birthday, Sophie!!!!!!!

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