A Happy Event
In preparation of falling pregnant, one of my first products to buy was from the Happy Event product range. Caring for your skin and preventing stretchmarks throughout your pregnancy is so important. I can highly recommend this range, for pregnant as well as non pregnant women. The product absorbs into your skin so easily, leaving it feeling lush and fresh. The scent is not over powering at all and to some women strong scents while being pregnant is a big problem.
Elana Afrika-Bredenkamp, is now the face of Happy Event. Elana endorses the product based on her own personal experience with her two pregnancies.
“Having used Happy Event myself with both my pregnancies, I can whole-heartedly recommend this outstanding product and therefore feel honoured to associate my own personal brand with Happy Event, something that I seldom do. But as a mom myself, who has been blessed with a public platform, I feel it necessary that all mothers should connect on what works with pregnancies and raising children, and what doesn’t. Naturally, Happy Event is a product that I want to give a big shout out to and encourage other moms to use, knowing that they can rest assured that this is a product that they can trust and really works.”
Watkins-Baker concludes that: “We’re looking forward to this exciting journey with Elana and cannot wait to see what this venture has in store for us. Elana’s life and her value system will allow us to connect with Happy Event consumers on a deeper level – far more than just marketing an outstanding product. We see ourselves as a brand that is far more than just a company selling products, but one that truly wants to make a significant difference in the lives of all mothers. Together with Elana’s highly influential platforms, this enables us to achieve exactly that.”
Happy Event is available in all major retail stores, including Checkers, Pick n Pay, Clicks, Dischem, selected Spar stores and selected pharmacies, amongst others.
For more on Happy Event, visit www.happyevent.co.za.
Also join the conversation on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/HappyEventStretchMarks/
I have the following Happy Event Hamper to give away!!!!
> 200ml Pump Happy Event Antenatal Massage Cream
> 125ml Tube Happy Event Antenatal Massage Cream
> 200ml Pump Happy Event Antenatal Massage Cream Fragrance Free
Totally value of product is RSP of R680.00
In order to win the Happy Event Hamper as well as a skincare hamper from Mimi Botanicals = Total Value of prize is R 1060.00 all you have to do is:
- In the comment section simply tell me what is your Happy Event
- Share this blog post and follow both Happy Event and Mimi Botanicals on Facebook and Instagram.
- Good Luck!!!!

My happy event is when I’m with my daughter, when we cuddling and having lots of hugs and kisses .
My happy event is spending time with my kids ;they bring so much joy and happiness in my life;I’m a working mom who’s always busy;I hardly get enough time to spend with them;I cherish the moments when I can snuggle and watch a movie with them ;give them loads of hugs and kisses .
The 25th of June 2009. The day Kai Benjamin Petersen was born. Oh yes!!!! I alwsays wanted a child. And oh boy! That was thee happiest event 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂
Happy events is when I spend time with my kid enjoying ourselves, living life to the fullest, doing all thing we enjoy.
Happy events is when I spend time with my family enjoying ourselves, living life to the fullest, doing all thing we enjoy.
Anytime that I spend with my boys (my husband & son) is a Happy Event. My husband works a lot even on weekends so when he is off, I look forward to the 3 of us bonding…Having a family of my own is life’s greatest gift
1 July when my beautiful Kashy was born and of course Christmas, when my entire family gathers to celebrate together (its the only time everyone is accounted for).
My happy event is when my sister, who lives overseas, comes down with her family, once a year in July , for a holiday. We are 4 siblings with many children and we all congregate at my parents home for a week full of fun, laughter, good food and new, precious memories.
Happy Events…. everyday is a happy event for me to be blessed to be wake up by my two beautiful girls.and to spend the day with them.
My Happy Event is spending time with my own little family, Hunty, Daddy Richy and Me!!! It today’s life everyone is super busy and sometimes a person can live together but past each other. We try that THAT doesnt happen. So we make sure to spend some family time together, be it bathing Hunty together or going for a walk with our fur family or just playin outside!!
My happy event is when my beautiful son says he loves me. Nothing better and more precious