Potty Training

I feel like as soon as Hudson turned two years old, the pressure of starting to potty train had a snowball effect. It seemed like it was all that other Mom’s talked about. Then comparison started to kick in. This one’s chid learned to potty train in one day (gasp) and that one in 48 hours. I remember nagging at my husband saying that we need to start potty training ASAP, because everyone else’s kid can do it, but not Hudson. One thing that our Pediatrician said though was, you have to start when your child starts showing interest in it. At the moment we are not forcing it on Hudson, but we are showing him the potty and telling him what happens there, in the hope that out of his own, he will climb onto the potty and do his business.

What do the experts say?

Potty training is a major milestone for your little one to reach. You need to know a few facts on timing, technique as well as handling any accidents.

One of the biggest things is timing. Many children start showing signs of interest at the age of 18 and 24 months; However, others might not be ready until they are 3 years old (no rush). Many parents make the mistake of starting too early, and thus results in it taking longer to train your child. Have a look at the following questions and answer it:

  1. Can your child walk to and sit on a toilet?
  2. Can your child pull down his or her pants and pull them up again?
  3. Can your child stay dry for up to two hours?
  4. Can your child understand and follow basic directions?
  5. Can your child communicate when he or she needs to go?
  6. Does your child seem interested in using the toilet?

Now if you have answered mostly yes, to the above, then your child might be ready. If you answered mostly no, then you might have to wait (and that’s ok). In our case, Hudson’s little brother will be arriving in October, which will bring major changes to our household. I definitely want to make sure that he is ready for potty training and that it comes from his own motivation and not my eagerness to get it done and ticked off the list of Motherhood 101.

Ready, steady, go!

For those of you whom have answered mostly yes to the above questions and for those that are already in the process of starting potty training, follow these steps to help with your journey.

  1. Get the equipment ready- Start introducing your little one to the toilet. You can even dispose of the contents of the diaper into the toilet, so that your little one knows what the purpose is of the potty or toilet.
  2. Start scheduling potty breaks – Have your child sit on the potty without a diaper for a few minutes at two hour intervals. Do this especially first thing in the morning and right after naps. I always thought that you have to teach boys to urinate standing up, but experts suggest that you first train them by sitting down to urinate, and once they have control over their bowl movement, to then move to urinating standing up. Always offer praise and maintain consistency; even when you go away on trips and you are away from home. The My Carry Potty is so ideal for this.
  3. If your child resists using the potty or toilet; or isn’t getting the hang of it within a few weeks, then take a break. This is definitely an indication that he or she is not ready. Try again in a few months, and remember that the key here is to be patient.

Accidents will happen

Nap and night time, also calls for some training. And a lot of experts have stated that this can also be frustrating and take much longer. Most children are able to stay dry between the ages of 5-7. Make use of disposable training nappies and mattress covers. No one is perfect and accidents will happen. Try to handle these accidents by staying calm; and most importantly be prepared.

When to ask for help?

If your little one is having difficulties with potty training, consult your doctor. Your doctor will be able to give you some guidance and also check if there is any underlying problem.

My Carry Potty

My Carry Potty was awarded Gold at the Mother and Baby Awards in 2018 as the best potty training product. It was invented and designed by a Mom to help with the challenges of potty training. Its lightweight, leak proof , odour-free and completely watertight seal. Made from high quality and durable plastic thats easy to clean and comes in an array of designs. The colours are bight and attractive, and the carry handle makes it easy for the little ones to carry around. You can purchase your very own My Carry Potty from Takealot for R599.00


I have one My Carry Potty to the value of R599.00 to Give Away!!!! Follow these steps:

  1. Make sure that you subscribe to my newsletter if you are new and have not done so yet.
  2. Follow both my instagram page @cisca_dk and Facebook @ciscadk
  3. Answer the following question in the comments below.
  4. Where can you purchase the My Carry Potty from?

This Post Has 61 Comments

  1. Elisabeth Meyer

    At Takealot

    1. Lizelle Wait

      At takealot

  2. Lizzie

    @ Takealot

  3. Verouschka Van de venter

    At takealot

  4. Chantell fick


  5. Chloe Clemente


    1. Ncuthwa

      At Takealot

      fingers crossed tightleyI really need this prize for my little one❤❤❤

  6. Rahisa Lutchmansingh


  7. Lee-Ann Mokgothu


  8. Samantha starling


  9. Alison Johannisen


    1. Helena Theron


  10. Lexi Shardlow

    At Takealot

  11. Jaclyn Goliath


  12. Danielle van Vught


  13. Nikiwe Dlamini

    You can purchase from Takealot

  14. Monique Malander

    I saw it on takealot and put it on my wishlist . I answered no to all those questions and i bet he will be ready when he will be ready. It os stressful tho

  15. Sharleen

    At Takealot

  16. Rebecca


  17. Liani

    You can get them from Take a lot.

    Perfect for Line that’s clearly potty ready.
    Last night at 2 am she woke up for a bottle. I told her that mom needs to pee quickly. When I sat down, Line was already behind me pulling down her diaper and pants. Trying to sit on the big toilet. 🙂

  18. ntokozo

    at takealot

  19. Zeenah Rahim


  20. Mpho Mokwana


  21. Madelyn Van De Venter


  22. Laura


  23. Tidi Esther Phago

    Purchased at TakeALot

    1. Candice

      You can purchase it from Takealot.

  24. Tasmin Schoultz


  25. Monique Els


  26. Amy Pereira


  27. Faaeza Motala Suliman

    From Takealot

  28. Nicole Venter


  29. Tamaryn


  30. Wayne


  31. Beaugary


  32. Demi


  33. Chantelle


  34. Liza

    At takealot

  35. Taryn

    You can buy it at takealot

  36. Fatima


  37. Fatima Davids


  38. Lethabo mokone


  39. Seshnie Govender


  40. Ellen Nthite

    You can buy the My Carry Potty from Takealot

  41. Caela Breetzke


  42. Nivesha

    Takealot 😊

  43. Christiane February


  44. Tanya van der Merwe


  45. Avril van Gensen

    Takealot for R599.00

  46. Avril van Gensen


  47. Estee Lazarus

    Ooh I saw these on Takealot today. Takealot sells them. This is so funny, I was looking at this very thing today and loving it. Adam is 5 months old and he’s been pooping in the basin since he was three weeks old and now I sit with him between my legs on the toilet. He can sit up by himself now so a new potty would be amazing.

  48. Estee Le Grange

    Estee Le Grange

  49. Estee Le Grange


  50. Kristen Jones


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